I note that I get segmentation fault below when I use an anonymous function to call “hideOverlay”. Just wondering if this is a bug?
/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Terminal: line 9: 15228 Segmentation fault: 11 "$path/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS/Corona Simulator" "$@"
This gives an error:
resumeButton = widget.newButton { onEvent = function(event) composer.hideOverlay() end } scene.view:insert(resumeButton)
This does NOT give an error (even if I take out the “backButton:removeEventListener(“touch”,backButtonListener)” from the hide function)
local function backButtonListener(event) if event.phase == "ended" then composer.hideOverlay(true, "fade", 400 ) end end resumeButton = widget.newButton { onEvent = backButtonListener, } scene.view:insert(resumeButton)