Sending a Tweet

Hi, i’m trying to send a tweet to a twitter account with a preset username and password, using the windows simulator so i can’t use any native features.

I also tried following but it appears that the method this uses might be outdated and doesn’t work.

Any replies appreciated. Thank you.

You would be best served to get the Twitter sample app that’s is installed with your Corona SDK.  On a Mac its in /Applications/CoronaSDK/SampleCode/Networking/Twitter.

Twitter changed some behavior with it’s API and we had to update our uauth.lua module to compensate.  Start with that sample app and borrow code from it.

You would be best served to get the Twitter sample app that’s is installed with your Corona SDK.  On a Mac its in /Applications/CoronaSDK/SampleCode/Networking/Twitter.

Twitter changed some behavior with it’s API and we had to update our uauth.lua module to compensate.  Start with that sample app and borrow code from it.