Setting CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS environment variable


Now that iOS 9 is out, handling ATS is a must.

Is there any way to set the CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS environment variable? so i can get some ATS debugging.

I tried to add to following to build.settings, but with no effect.

 iphone = { plist = { LSEnvironment = { ['CFNETWORK\_DIAGNOSTICS'] = '3' }, } } 

Hi @dorl,

I’m not sure if it will help specifically on this issue, but we published some information about ATS recently:

Best regards,


Hi @Brent,

i saw you guide, it was helpful, but being able to set “CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS” will sure be helpful, it there any way in corona to set iOS environment variables ?

What ended up in the Info.plist in your app bundle?  Does it match Apple’s directions for the setting?

In terminal:

cd \<directory you built your app in\> cat \<name of your app\>.app/Info.plist

Hi @dorl,

I’m not sure if it will help specifically on this issue, but we published some information about ATS recently:

Best regards,


Hi @Brent,

i saw you guide, it was helpful, but being able to set “CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS” will sure be helpful, it there any way in corona to set iOS environment variables ?

What ended up in the Info.plist in your app bundle?  Does it match Apple’s directions for the setting?

In terminal:

cd \<directory you built your app in\> cat \<name of your app\>.app/Info.plist