Setting Gravity Direction

I’m having trouble figuring out how to set the direction upon which gravity should be affecting our particles.

Our app is set to be in landscape mode such that if you took a mobile device and rotated it 90 clockwise, that’s the fixed position for viewing the app. When we integrated a specific particle that has a weight value, gravity is affecting the particle as if the device were being held in a portrait position, ie gravity is affecting particles from the left side of the screen.

Is there a way to tell the particles from what direction gravity should be affecting them? [import]uid: 103474 topic_id: 31453 reply_id: 331453[/import]

This isn’t a specific Particle Candy question, but just to confirm, I assume you have set your app to be a landscape-oriented app in the Corona configuration? This should handle how the “world” assumes gravity, and Particle Candy should behave within that world.

Brent [import]uid: 9747 topic_id: 31453 reply_id: 125704[/import]

This isn’t a specific Particle Candy question, but just to confirm, I assume you have set your app to be a landscape-oriented app in the Corona configuration? This should handle how the “world” assumes gravity, and Particle Candy should behave within that world.

Brent [import]uid: 9747 topic_id: 31453 reply_id: 125704[/import]