Setting metatable "converts" table to DisplayObject

Using LuaGlider 201207171143

If you set a metatable with an __index, the table with be converted to a DisplayObject in the variable inspector.

local mytable = {};  
setmetatable(mytable, {\_\_index = function(t,key) return "xxx" end});  

Set a breakpoint on line 2 and start debug session, open the variable inspector. mytable is a table as expected.
Step over the next line and mytable will become a DisplayObject. [import]uid: 70847 topic_id: 35338 reply_id: 335338[/import]


Thanks for letting us know about this. We were able to replicate the issue and will work on a fix once we get 1.8 released. We will focus our attention to making the debugger more powerful after 1.8 and this is one of the bugs that will be addressed.

M.Y. Developers
[import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 35338 reply_id: 140573[/import]


Thanks for letting us know about this. We were able to replicate the issue and will work on a fix once we get 1.8 released. We will focus our attention to making the debugger more powerful after 1.8 and this is one of the bugs that will be addressed.

M.Y. Developers
[import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 35338 reply_id: 140573[/import]