I thought it would be relatively simple to setup a 4 week trial period (the user downloads installs app for Free), then after 4 weeks, the App will block the menus (controlled inside the App, by simple logic – if license exists then allow user to continue…) until the user purchases using IAP the App.
I have seen various IAP codes but surely this idea of a simple free trial period followed by asking user to purchase the App to continue using it, is what a lot of people want and must be doing.
Maybe I am missing something here, I have my app almost built apart form the IAP code, I have it set up in iOS for now, along with Additional features, which is the purchase of the App to unblock it but I am missing the simple code to handle the 4 week free period followed by blocking until the user buys.
It should be something like,
Record install date on the device as a file (ok people can uninstall, reinstall so have to control this, any better ideas are welcome)
Once 4 weeks pass the App on start up will know this and block user menu touches until the user clicks the Buy button and successfully purchases the App at full price, then the App remains unblocked forever.