Sidebar without images and hidden files

Is it possible to hide some “annoying” files in the sidebar such as images, audio files and system files?


Ernest B.

Can check out

Haven’t tried it myself.

That’s it. I added

 "file\_exclude\_patterns": ["\*.jpg", "\*.png", "\*.ttf", "\*.otf", ".\*", "\*.pyc", "\*.pyo", "\*.exe", "\*.dll", "\*.obj","\*.o", "\*.a", "\*.lib", "\*.so", "\*.dylib", "\*.ncb", "\*.sdf", "\*.suo", "\*.pdb", "\*.idb", ".DS\_Store", "\*.class", "\*.psd", "\*.db"]

to user settings. It says its also possible to define per project, but didn’t find how to do that.

Thanks @jonjonsson

Can check out

Haven’t tried it myself.

That’s it. I added

 "file\_exclude\_patterns": ["\*.jpg", "\*.png", "\*.ttf", "\*.otf", ".\*", "\*.pyc", "\*.pyo", "\*.exe", "\*.dll", "\*.obj","\*.o", "\*.a", "\*.lib", "\*.so", "\*.dylib", "\*.ncb", "\*.sdf", "\*.suo", "\*.pdb", "\*.idb", ".DS\_Store", "\*.class", "\*.psd", "\*.db"]

to user settings. It says its also possible to define per project, but didn’t find how to do that.

Thanks @jonjonsson