Hi, I am fairly new to Enterprise and have been using it to include 3rd party SDKs which at present get automatically called when the user starts the app.
Functionality has now changed and I need to call the SDK and pass a single string variable to it.
in practice its called (and works fine with userID as a String when called as…
[FunkySDK setUserID:userID];
I have tried to place a test event as per documentation but its not calling and I am missing something.
What do I need to do?
-from within Corona (once the user has entered some data) make a call to the SDK and pass a single string
My attempts were based on the example but it never fires…
–From my Corona lua Function
local event = { name = “delegate” }
Runtime:dispatchEvent( event )
—(from AppCoronaDelegate.mm)
- (void)didLoadMain:(id<CoronaRuntime>)runtime
lua_State *L = runtime.L;
// Create ‘delegate’ event
const char kNameKey[] = “name”;
const char kValueKey[] = “delegate”;
lua_newtable( L );
lua_pushstring( L, kValueKey ); // All events are Lua tables
lua_setfield( L, -2, kNameKey ); // that have a ‘name’ property
NSLog(@"******* Firing our custom Corona Event *********");
Corona::Lua::RuntimeDispatchEvent( L, -1 );
ANy ideas please?