I am trying to skin the slider widget in 2.0 but am running into some strange behaviour
I have tried the code below and it works to an extent. The problem is the Handle doesn’t show at the right size that it is in the image sheet.
It is not 105 px wide even thought that is the case in the in the code and the image sheet. Even if I make the frameWidth wider the handle still remains small.
here is the code. I have also attached the whole thing in a test project with the image sheet and png etc.
local imageSheet = require("slider") local sliderSkinningSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "slider.png", imageSheet:getSheet() ) -- Create a vertical slider local verticalSlider = widget.newSlider { left = 110, top = 270, height = 350, value = 0, id = "Vertical Slider", orientation = "vertical", listener = sliderListener, sheet = sliderSkinningSheet, topFrame = 7, middleVerticalFrame = 1, handleFrame = 6, bottomFrame = 4, fillVerticalFrame = 3, handleFrameWidth = 105, handleFrameHeight = 95, frameWidth = 38, frameHeight = 10 } displayGroup:insert( verticalSlider )
Can you tell me how to make the handle bigger?
Also if I drag the handle down quickly it goes beyond the bottom frame and looks bad.
Is there a way to fix this? It seems to be a bug.