Curious on your thoughts…
Using Skytable for users, I get it.
How about using it for app configuration and everyone reads it with the same ID?
EG: Instead of username/id, you use ONE ID for the app, (, base-BusApp and all users ONLY retrieve data, That way I can hold the App config in this table and retrieve it as needed.
I would then have an ‘admin’ user update (with another app) that updates this table. This would be the app owner only who updates the config.
Adding a quick flow for clarity. A quick powerpoint flow
Good idea/Bad idea?
I would hate to go too far down the path to find its a bad idea!
Easy config retrieval in the app.
Hosted config allows for online updates
Can cache the results and pull new config if we update the version#
I could write user prefs out to a different ID if I want.
If hacking the app exposes the ID/PW, is it really a concern? It will be read only for the released app. The editor app will be a desktop app.