Slider widget with custom background not working

I’m having problems changing the background of the slider widget… The code is so simple and yet it’s not working so I don’t know if there has been an API change or if it’s just a bug in corona… Here’s my code

-- Slider  
local slider = widget.newSlider{  
 background = "sliderbg.png",  
 width = 265,  
 height = 12,  
 handle = "sliderhandle.png",  
 handleWidth = 63,  
 handleHeight = 11,  
 leftWidth = 63,  
 listener = sliderListener  

Everything but the background works. I’ve double checked that the image exists and triple tried other images that have failed as well… What’s wrong with it? [import]uid: 14018 topic_id: 26748 reply_id: 326748[/import]