Slight blemish when transitioning scenes

I am currently using the most recent director class and I am having a slight issue.
When I change scenes, in the right hand side of the screen, there is a light flicker, as if a thin white strip is flashing on screen and then fading away.

This doesn’t happen with every scene transition, which leads me to believe that maybe I am doing something wrong. I have about 1600 lines of code right now so pasting it in isn’t really an option.

Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong or has anyone experienced this before? Any help would be great, thanks!

Kyle B. [import]uid: 71971 topic_id: 26751 reply_id: 326751[/import]

This happens to me as well. It doesn’t show up with the crossFade transition, so that’s how I avoid it. [import]uid: 47722 topic_id: 26751 reply_id: 108837[/import]