Social Plugin vs Corona SDK Subscription

Hi !

I was using the social plugin it on 2014-10-03 in an application and I was able to post on messages on twitter and facebook using the native popup.

Today I compiled my application again and got the following error :


You are not currently subscribed to the following plugins

1st question :

I have a basic account so I understand that a Pro subscription is needed to have access to the Social Plugin. But I can’t understand why it DOES NOT WORK today although IT WAS WORKING a few days ago (for a previous build). Is it a bug ?

2nd question :

I don’t want to go from 16$ per month to 49$ (+ 33$) only to have this functionality so my second question is :

is it possible to have a custom membership  where we can choose specific functionnalities adapted for my needs and do not pay for functionalities that are not useful for me. (Like choosing Basic subscription + Social Plugin only)

Well, I am sure the answer to that will be no right now.  But with rumors about a plugin marketplace swirling more and more, maybe they will make the Social plugin a purchasable plugin when the time comes.

With that said, I really never understood why people liked the Social plugin when it only worked on iOS (I understand Android support is now in beta, though not for the Nook or Kindle?) and when you could just “do it yourself.”  You can use the facebook library included in Corona to do everything you need.  Yes, it is more work, but it will work.

You can also look into these libraries that the guys at Glitch Games wrote:

Have not used them myself, but know of other people here who have and that might make getting help easier should you run into problems.

Thanks so much for your reply.

It is very useful and these libraries work well.

According to the Plugin Page and the docs for the social plugin:

This was only available for Pro subscribers.  If you were able to access it as a Basic account, maybe that was by accident.  But it’s intent was for Pro and Enterprise only.


Hmm, the information that Social Plugin does not work with Basic Subscription should be made more visible on the site (in the pricing table, not just in the api docs)

I just purchased Basic Subscription in error because I thought it includes the Social Plugin…

On the plugin directory, each plugin has a badge that indicates what tiers it works with:

The only plugins you get with a Basic subscription that you do not get with Starter are IAP related plugins and inMobi Ads, though that’s apparently temporary.


Thanks, my fault. I visited the page twice but overlooked the badges & their meaning.


Move the most used plugins to the top of the page & make the badges larger (i.e. replace “B” with “Basic”).

This lover the “cognitive load” and make users happy  :slight_smile:

Well, I am sure the answer to that will be no right now.  But with rumors about a plugin marketplace swirling more and more, maybe they will make the Social plugin a purchasable plugin when the time comes.

With that said, I really never understood why people liked the Social plugin when it only worked on iOS (I understand Android support is now in beta, though not for the Nook or Kindle?) and when you could just “do it yourself.”  You can use the facebook library included in Corona to do everything you need.  Yes, it is more work, but it will work.

You can also look into these libraries that the guys at Glitch Games wrote:

Have not used them myself, but know of other people here who have and that might make getting help easier should you run into problems.

Thanks so much for your reply.

It is very useful and these libraries work well.

According to the Plugin Page and the docs for the social plugin:

This was only available for Pro subscribers.  If you were able to access it as a Basic account, maybe that was by accident.  But it’s intent was for Pro and Enterprise only.


Hmm, the information that Social Plugin does not work with Basic Subscription should be made more visible on the site (in the pricing table, not just in the api docs)

I just purchased Basic Subscription in error because I thought it includes the Social Plugin…

On the plugin directory, each plugin has a badge that indicates what tiers it works with:

The only plugins you get with a Basic subscription that you do not get with Starter are IAP related plugins and inMobi Ads, though that’s apparently temporary.


Thanks, my fault. I visited the page twice but overlooked the badges & their meaning.


Move the most used plugins to the top of the page & make the badges larger (i.e. replace “B” with “Basic”).

This lover the “cognitive load” and make users happy  :slight_smile:

Is it possible to trigger a basic Facebook or Twitter dialogue yourself in Corona Basic? (Being just a hobbyist I think basic would really do for me and save some $, and I think it may be only this aspect of Pro I’ve used to date)

Normally yes you can.

However right now i am struggling with the basic sharing for facebook. (Twitter is ok)

I have a pro version and i can’t manage to leverage the facebook.showDialog working properly for simple post :slight_smile:

What makes me crazy is i managed to implement far more sophisticated scenario than this one.

@greg886, you can call the facebook.* API calls as a basic subscriber, but not the social plugin.  We don’t have twitter.* API calls, but the Twitter sample apps shows  you how to use Twitter directly., I’ll try to take a look at showDialog for simple posting.  Facebook has been making posting to your feed more and more difficult.  You may be running into their new “you have to submit any app for approval that requests write privs and Facebook will decide if you get to do it or not”.  Facebook is being very restrictive on what apps can and can’t do these days. 


Just to confirm, for people not following the other post.

Yes facebook.showDialog is working fine. (ios and android).

My problem was from a configuration option in advanced setting in the facebook app.

Is it possible to trigger a basic Facebook or Twitter dialogue yourself in Corona Basic? (Being just a hobbyist I think basic would really do for me and save some $, and I think it may be only this aspect of Pro I’ve used to date)

Normally yes you can.

However right now i am struggling with the basic sharing for facebook. (Twitter is ok)

I have a pro version and i can’t manage to leverage the facebook.showDialog working properly for simple post :slight_smile:

What makes me crazy is i managed to implement far more sophisticated scenario than this one.

@greg886, you can call the facebook.* API calls as a basic subscriber, but not the social plugin.  We don’t have twitter.* API calls, but the Twitter sample apps shows  you how to use Twitter directly., I’ll try to take a look at showDialog for simple posting.  Facebook has been making posting to your feed more and more difficult.  You may be running into their new “you have to submit any app for approval that requests write privs and Facebook will decide if you get to do it or not”.  Facebook is being very restrictive on what apps can and can’t do these days. 
