Solar 2d project manager

Hi everyone, i have an issue with the project manager of Solar 2d. The font size is too small for my scren (4k), the menus, the fonts are really difficult to see. Is there a option to make an scale for hpdi screens?
I have search the forum and noone seems to have this issue. I am using linux (latest ubuntu lts release). Thanks

What is Solar 2d project manager?

The solar 2d simulator from which you can create/open/run projects

Ok :slight_smile:

I barely use it

I usually copy a working project folder to create a new one, because i always make use of my existing code

And I use sublime to edit the code

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I use ZeroBrane editor; using their provisions for LUA and SOLAR2D.

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I use ZeroBrane Studio editor too … it is small and very efficient.

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