Solar2D screen positions for all devices resolution

I have an application made in Solar2D (formerly Corona SDK) but it looks different on different devices. How can I make the item positions the same for all resolutions and devices?

My app on LG K10 2017

My app on LG K8

My code part:

local composer = require 'composer';
local bm = require 'backManager';

display.setDefault('background', 0.19,0.23,0.3);

local topBar = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX,0,display.contentWidth, 50);

topBar.y = topBar.contentHeight * 0.5 - display.topStatusBarContentHeight / 2;


local options = {
	text = 'MatUM - Umiem to',
	x = topBar.x, 
	y = topBar.y * 0.5 - display.screenOriginY,
	width = topBar.contentWidth, 
	height = topBar.contentHeight, 
	font = native.systemFontBold, 
	fontSize = 17,
	align = 'center',

local title = display.newText(options);
title.anchorY = 0;

You should also add the display.screenOriginY to you topBar position

So this should place it in the right position.
topBar.y = topBar.contentHeight * 0.5 - display.topStatusBarContentHeight / 2 + display.screenOriginY

topBar.y = display.screenOriginY + (topBar.contentHeight / 2) - display.topStatusBarContentHeight / 2;

Results on all devices:


There are 2 things that I don’t understand

Why are you using topBar.contentHeight instead of topBar.height? (I have never seen that before)

And why are you subtracting half of display.topStatusBarContentHeight? (Shouldn’t you add it up?)

I would normally do it like this:

local topBar = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX, screen.originY + display.topStatusBarContentHeight, display.contentWidth, 50);
topBar.anchorY = 0

Or, if you really want to keep the anchor at .5

local topBar = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX, screen.originY + display.topStatusBarContentHeight + 25, display.contentWidth, 50);

Look at the emulator


Seems to be working now!

It looks weird on emulator

It’s because all the other objects are using topBar.y position as reference.

The anchor says which point of it will be used as the reference to place the object.
(Check this for more information.)

If you want to avoid anchors for now, use this formula and everything is going to run well again

local topBar = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX, screen.originY + display.topStatusBarContentHeight + 25, display.contentWidth, 50);

It still doesn’t look like it should


Try this:

local topBar = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX, screen.originY + 25, display.contentWidth, 50);

Result on all devices now:


Hi. I’m a little different from other folks here. In SSK I calculate left, top, right, bottom, and other values then use those. I like the shorthand names and find them easier to remember.

You can get my code from SSK, or a shortened version (minus cleaning steps) here:

	_G.centerX  = display.contentCenterX
	_G.centerY  = display.contentCenterY
	_G.fullw  	= display.actualContentWidth
	_G.fullh  	= display.actualContentHeight
	_G.left   	= centerX - fullw/2
	_G.right  	= centerX + fullw/2    	= centerY - fullh/2
	_G.bottom 	= centerY + fullh/2

SSK2 Docs -
Page talking about these values:

SSK Source:

SSK Code for all globals I create:

I think, if you use my top you can get that rectangle to align perfectly.

Note: I didn’t see you mention your config.lua settings, but I always use letterbox scaling and suggest you do so too. e.g.

application = {
	content = {
		width = 640,
		height = 960, 
		scale = "letterbox", 
		--fps = 60,

Oh, and when creating that rectangle, the easiest way to align to the top would be:

local rect = display.* ... call to make rectangle.
rect.anchorY = 0;
rect.y = top

It still looks like this

local composer = require 'composer';
local bm = require 'backManager';
require 'screen';

display.setDefault('background', 0.19,0.23,0.3);

local topBar = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX, top, display.contentWidth, 50);
topBar.anchorY = 0;
topBar.y = top;


local options = {
	text = 'MatUM - Umiem to',
	x = topBar.x,
	y = topBar.y + topBar.height/4,
	width = topBar.contentWidth, 
	height = topBar.contentHeight, 
	font = native.systemFontBold, 
	fontSize = 17,
	align = 'center',

local title = display.newText(options);
title.anchorY = 0;

My config

local aspectRatio = display.pixelHeight / display.pixelWidth
application = {
	content = {
    	width = aspectRatio > 1.5 and 320 or math.ceil( 480 / aspectRatio ),
   		height = aspectRatio < 1.5 and 480 or math.ceil( 320 * aspectRatio ),
		scale = "letterbox",
		xAlign = "center",
        yAlign = "center",
   		fps = 30,

  		imageSuffix = {
     		["@2"] = 1.8,
     		["@4"] = 3.6,

Please download this example and run it:

The result should look like this:

Let me know how it works and we’ll try to go from there.

I’m using the Solard2D simulator version 2021.3641 on Windows.

I generally use Borderless 640x960, but if you use a different simulated device, and see a problem, let us know so I (and perhaps others) can try that device in the simulator.

In solar2D emulator it’s looks great, like your example

And not on the simulator… does it work on your device?

I’m trying to set a baseline with code we (you, I, and anyone else) can modify without messing with your code.

BTW, its a simulator :slight_smile:


I mention this because there are emulators (xCode has emulators) and BlueStacks emulators for Android devices. When you say emulator it might confuse the discussion. In this case I know you meant the Corona/Solar2D simulator, but just an FYI.

Once I know how this works on your test device I can start suggesting things to check for in your code and experiments to do.