Solar2D ShadersBank

Been having fun with massing my hand up with shaders from other website, mainly from Godot shader. created a repository for the transplanted shaders which are Solar2D-Ready. Solar2D_shaders

Most of them are works well say 95%, and few are not work as expected. I was mainly concerning on refactor thing, copy paste to quick start for new one, so many of the code are not polished( unused variables remains, but won’t affect it’s functionalities at all).

Having fun with them, sent me a pull request if you like to add more shaders or modification to it. :grin:


Could you please add a few demos of their use in the repository

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This would be really helpful, to save having to go in and check the parameters for each one individually.

Thank you for sharing this! Added to the awesome-solar2d list.

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Great idea, I’m now working on the showcase which dose switch between shaders, swap texture and tweak vertexDate in realtime. it won’t take long I suppose


That would be amazing. I had a quick play around with a few of them, but having a way to quickly check them all out will make it much easier to find the effect that someone is after.

Now the shader viewer is completed! I changed project name so the new link is Solar2D_ShaderBank.

@ bgmadclown : you would like to update the link in the list I guess :smiley:

Btw, tweaking some parameters won’t actually affect the current shader, that is because I didn’t fix them yet, not a bug. I’m working on fix them up and replacing variables with vertexData in those shaders, still you can have a quick tour for how those shaders look like. let’t me know if you encounter bugs and have fun!


Thank a lot for your contribution!

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