Solutions for cross-promotion and monetization

Hello -

I currently manage a portfolio of iOS apps and we heavily rely on Chartboost, specifically:

  • Internal cross promotion for our games only - in the form of fly-over ad interstitials

  • Display advertiser interstitials in certain placements

  • Our more games section

If you are familar with Chartboost, it is a fairly sophisticated service.  For instance, you can setup a prioritized hierarchy of campaigns (cross promo or ads) for a series of placement areas.  The service doesn’t show ads of apps if the user already has the app installed, etc.

Anyways, I am interested to learn what I could use with Corono to replace Chartboost.  What has worked well for the community??

Look forward hearing from you.

I am also curious about this question. 

Well, cross-promotion is a smart and economic way to boost installs. and I wonder how much Chartboost is charging for this cross-promotion service. There is another app promotion platform called Appflood, which also allows developers to exchange users using its network. The unique thing about Appflood is that they charge no fees for their mediate service. a pretty good free alternative to app distribution. Also it also has its own SNS community with tens of millions of players from its game league. You need to integrate a social SDK though. :lol:

I am also curious about this question. 

Well, cross-promotion is a smart and economic way to boost installs. and I wonder how much Chartboost is charging for this cross-promotion service. There is another app promotion platform called Appflood, which also allows developers to exchange users using its network. The unique thing about Appflood is that they charge no fees for their mediate service. a pretty good free alternative to app distribution. Also it also has its own SNS community with tens of millions of players from its game league. You need to integrate a social SDK though. :lol:

Hey guys, i have an app on the store iron fist lite.

My question is i want to cross promote or at least get my app to appear as a download a free game whilst somebody is installng an app without paid advertisng.

What ad networks can i use that will be compatible with carona.

I currently have revmob intergrated in my app but im advertising other apps inside mine as it is not a paid campaign.

I need an ad network like chartboost that will aloow me to cross promote but they’re not compatible and do offer an sdk intergration for carona.??

Hey guys, i have an app on the store iron fist lite.

My question is i want to cross promote or at least get my app to appear as a download a free game whilst somebody is installng an app without paid advertisng.

What ad networks can i use that will be compatible with carona.

I currently have revmob intergrated in my app but im advertising other apps inside mine as it is not a paid campaign.

I need an ad network like chartboost that will aloow me to cross promote but they’re not compatible and do offer an sdk intergration for carona.??