[SOLVED] How to Generate Signed Bundle on Android App with existing Google Play App

Hi Team,

I’m trying to update a published application on Google Play with new Android App Bundles but I don’t know how to generate signed bundle. I’m following this tutorial: https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing?hl=en-419#generate-key

But it seems that I need to use Android Studio. But for all of us that we are working with CoronaSDK is not any process to do it.

Is there anybody that knows how to do it?

Thanks for your support.

Solved: I must to install Java on my computer and I followed this tutorial: https://medium.com/mindorks/securing-and-optimizing-your-app-with-google-play-app-signing-24a3658fd319

Maybe it will hep some another user.

When you build for 64 bit you don’t get a signed bundle right next to the regular .apk? 

I don’t know, it’s possible. Now, I’m updating icons, admob changes…but I saw that in Play Store, it’s necessary to upload a new encripted file: 


In the next days, I will say you if I finished the new process :slight_smile:
