SOLVED: Text Candy memory leak

Hi, I am suffering with memory leak from text candy.

I am using the following in my game code

If CandyText then
CandyText = nil

However I receieve an error to say that it has already been removed and that error occurs in the TextCandy file ‘lib_text_candy’ at line 1035, this line has the following


If I remove this line then my app works fine, but there is still a small memory leak, possibly from removing this line.

Can anyone help with how to remove TextCandy objects?

Thank you [import]uid: 125592 topic_id: 26696 reply_id: 326696[/import]

I reported some memleak issue from Text Candy too, some times ago(though, I can’t be sure it’s not my fault …)

Anyway, I’m sure xpressive is working on a new update taking into account the new spritesheet api, that will eventually solves those issues.

[import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 26696 reply_id: 108296[/import]

what build are your using? [import]uid: 7177 topic_id: 26696 reply_id: 108355[/import]

Thanks for the replies, user error strikes again.

I’m now calling the following when i change scenes


Now leak free in this aspect [import]uid: 125592 topic_id: 26696 reply_id: 108405[/import]