Some Questions :)

I have some questions:

  1. Is Corona SDK (Solar2D) compiler safe enough(I mean does Corona compiler protect .apk file from opening or something like that(to prevent cheating and so on))
  2. I am on older version of Corona and why I can’t build for iOS? It’s just don’t show up for me…
    Maybe I must have computer or OS from Apple?
  3. Will plugins work if I will switch to newest build? (I am using plugin Typler’s Joystick)

I am using Corona 2018.3326

  1. In non-rooted device players cannot access your apk files. Users must have significant know-how to modify your code and cheat.
  2. You need to have MacOS, Xcode to build for iOS.
  3. You can download 2020.3582 from which gives android 64 bit support and android app bundle publishing support. Regarding the plugin you mentioned the developer didn’t mention anything about migration to offline builds once marketplace will close, so I am not sure about that what to do. Offline builds/Latest builds are still in alpha stage so they are not for production yet. You can test and provide feedback to the developer though if you find any issues.

It really depends on what you mean by this.

If you are storing data locally without encryption, then users can modify that with ease regardless of what engine you are using.

If you are using external third party leaderboards, then users may be able to intercept messages before they are sent and they can cheat the leaderboards that way.

Solar2D compiles your Lua to bytecode, but anyone with sufficient know-how can get to it. This “anyone with sufficient know-how” again applies to pretty much all engines.