display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )
display.setDefault( “background”, 80/255 )
local function newBall( params )
local xpos = display.contentWidth*0.5
local ypos = display.contentHeight*0.5
local circle = display.newCircle( xpos, ypos, params.radius );
circle:setFillColor( params.r, params.g, params.b, 255 );
circle.xdir = params.xdir
circle.ydir = params.ydir
circle.xspeed = params.xspeed
circle.yspeed = params.yspeed
circle.radius = params.radius
return circle
local params ={
{ radius=20, xdir=1, ydir=1, xspeed=2.8, yspeed=6.1, r=255, g=0, b=0 },
{ radius=12, xdir=1, ydir=1, xspeed=3.8, yspeed=4.2, r=255, g=255, b=0 },
{ radius=15, xdir=1, ydir=-1, xspeed=5.8, yspeed=5.5, r=255, g=0, b=255 },
– newBall{ radius=10, xdir=-1, ydir=1, xspeed=3.8, yspeed=1.2 }
local collection = {}
– Iterate through params array and add new balls into an array
for _,item in ipairs( params ) do
local ball = newBall( item )
collection[#collection + 1] = ball
– Get current edges of visible screen (accounting for the areas cropped by “zoomEven” scaling mode in config.lua)
local screenTop = display.screenOriginY
local screenBottom = display.viewableContentHeight + display.screenOriginY
local screenLeft = display.screenOriginX
local screenRight = display.viewableContentWidth + display.screenOriginX
function collection:enterFrame( event )
for _,ball in ipairs( collection ) do
local dx = ( ball.xspeed * ball.xdir );
local dy = ( ball.yspeed * ball.ydir );
local xNew, yNew = ball.x + dx, ball.y + dy
local radius = ball.radius
if ( xNew > screenRight - radius or xNew < screenLeft + radius ) then
ball.xdir = -ball.xdir
if ( yNew > screenBottom - radius or yNew < screenTop + radius ) then
ball.ydir = -ball.ydir
ball:translate( dx, dy )
Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, collection );