Splash screen behavior on iOS 14

Downloaded iOS 14 beta and I’m noticing odd behavior when we first launch out app. We use a Launchscreen that is all white, then the first scene in our app is a white background where we fade our logo in. This works seamlessly in iOS 13.

I’m 14 now the white Launchscreen shoes correctly, but once it disappears out app seems to quickly move in from the top which gives a jarring effect because you briefly see a black background flash. It doesn’t look great.

Any ideas on what may have changed? Curious if anyone else is seeing similar behavior with iOS 14.

Im seeing odd behavior in a variety of landscape apps now, and not just Corona. So gonna chalk this one up to an Apple issue and not Solar.

Even if it’s Solar related, it’s a good idea to wait for iOS 14 release for the fix. It’s the first day of beta and many stuff will change/break until release. Something you try to fix for that beta release may break some other stuff on widely adopted iOS13. Not a good idea to adopt iOS 14 at this point.

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