I’ve heard back from the Marketplace team and they have explained that the taxes were visible prior to check out but they are working to improve the visibility of the taxes throughout the purchase process based on your feedback.
The taxes do show, but not until after you’ve put in your billing information. Once we determine your country we can compute the VAT. The top of the forum updates automatically, but by that point you’re probably already down the form putting in credit card information and it may have been easy to miss the screen updating. See the attached screen shot.
As for the amount of tax, we use a service that computes the VAT based on the current requirements of the country you are in. For France (and probably all other EU countries based on the screen shot) it is 20%. We don’t control this, our billing service does. The screen shot shows $118.8 (doesn’t show the extra 0), so the taxes were computed correctly. The team is working to assure that we show two decimal places throughout the Marketplace UI.
Hope this helps explain it better.