I am working on an app with static data that is being pulled from a SQLite database. I am running into problems with the text from a row of data overlapping the beginning text of the next row. I think that I need to capture the Y insertion, then add the text height and a multiple of the font (e.g. fSize * 1.5). I don’t know how to capture this correctly. Here is the code that I have, it is being implemented on storyboard. (I know storyboard is going away, sort of.)
local storyboard = require( “storyboard” )
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
– Called when the scene’s view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view
local function onScroll(e)
--See http://developer.anscamobile.com/reference/index/scrollview-after-build-2011715
if(e.type == “beganScroll”) then
--Fired at the start of the scrolling
elseif(e.type == “endedScroll”) then
--Fired at the end of scrolling
elseif(e.type == “movingToTopLimit”) then
--Fired upon hitting the top limit
elseif(e.type == “movingToBottomLimit”) then
--Fired upon hitting the bottom limit
elseif(e.type == “movingToLeftLimit”) then
--Fired upon hitting the left limit
elseif(e.type == “movingToRightLimit”) then
--Fired upon hitting the right limit
end --end of If Statement
end --end of onScroll function
local scrollView = widget.newScrollView({
top = display.statusBarHeight,
width = display.contentWidth,
height = display.contentHeight + tTop,
locked = false,
listener = onScroll,
hideBackground = true,
horizontalScrollDisabled = true,
bottomPadding = fSize*8 – I think this is needed because I don’t have the scrollview
– size correct below. I think need to subtract the top,
– instead of adding it.
local dataTitle = display.newText(“Data Title”, display.contentWidth/2, display.statusBarHeight*2, native.systemFont, fSize*2)
chapterTitle.anchorX = .5
local count = 0
local rowY = tTop
local output = “data”
local sql = “SELECT * FROM data WHERE data1 = ‘01’”
for row in db:nrows(sql) do
if row.proverbs == nil then
print(" NO VERSE FOUND ")
end --end of If Statement
count = count +1 --does this need to be after the scrollview insert?
--data2 contains numbers 01, 02, ect. (25 - 35 rows of data displayed)
--data3 contains text that will, in most cases, wrap.
local dbText = row.data2…" "…row.data3
local t = display.newText(dbText, tTab, tTop + ((fSize * 1.25) + (fSize * 4.5 * count)), tWidth, 0, native.systemFont, fSize)
t.anchorX = 0
t.anchorY = 0
end --end of For loop
end --end of createScene