So I have got the iOS Bunlde ID from apple because I created my app in the itunesconnect portal and it is in the “preparing for upload” status state. So I wanted to test the facebook share score button I made.
I made the Native iOS App entry into the site and added my com.blah.blah for the Bundle ID that matches what I just put in the itunes portal. I then added the App ID entries and turned off sandbox mode. Of course it errors telling me it can’t see my App ID because the App isn’t released yet.
I go into my code and add the fbAppID key and also update the build.settings with the 2 lines needed for building.
I then built the app using my Develop Team Cert and copied the binary over to my ipad…
I click the share button I created and it opens facebook… and errors with the following
"Invalid sso_key parameter. The key myappname does not match any allowed bundle IDs. Configure your iOS bundle ID at
Is this because the app is not released yet? If facebook is checking for the app id to be live how do I test this?