I am calling 52 dynamic objects on top of each other in a loop, here is the object
local card = display.newImageRect( ‘back.png’, orgcardx*2.20, orgcardy*2.15 ); card:rotate(90); card.x=DECKperm.x; card.y=DECKperm.y
physics.addBody( card, “dynamic”, { density = 0, friction = 0, bounce = 0 } );
When I stack 52 of these bad boys on top of each other, the cards explode out ONLY horizontally. Nothing moves vertically unless I wait a while and I watch the cards start to slide all over the place.
I am setting gravity to 0,0 when calling physics
physics.setGravity( 0, 0 )
How can I stack these cards without the magical explosion?