I received this message from Admob:
Apple recently announced that developers have additional time before App Tracking Transparency (ATT) enforcement goes into effect for iOS 14. As a result, you now have more time to test what iOS flows will work best in your apps. As new guidelines may be published in the future, we recommend testing with smaller user cohorts to maintain flexibility. Whether to adopt ATT to obtain IDFA remains up to you. Apple’s latest guidance is that IDFA will remain available without consent until early 2021. Adopting ATT earlier may negatively impact your earnings.
Google recommends that you take the following actions as soon as possible:
Install the latest Interactive Media Ads SDK for iOS (version 3.12.1 or later). This update includes critical features for iOS 14 compatibility.
Configure SKAdNetwork. Advertisers will be using Apple’s SKAdNetwork framework to measure the value they get from your app. Learn more about configuring the SKAdNetwork for mobile and video.
If you already have implemented ATT, then we recommend moving it behind a limited user experiment (via server configuration) to maintain flexibility in how and when to implement it.
We recommend building a direct relationship with your users and developing clear privacy policies that put users in control, including implementing email sign-in flows, such as using Firebase Authentication. Be sure to consult Apple’s policies, local regulatory laws, and update your privacy policy to consistently reflect usage.
We will continue to develop our suite of iOS 14 solutions, including email sign-in, and will have more to share in the coming months.
Is 1 and 2 being covered on the latest build?