We’re excited to have our first app - StickerSudoku.
This is a fun take on Sudoku that is geared towards introducing younger kids to the fun of logic puzzles. It features 4x4 Sudoku boards, replacing numbers with fun stickers.
It’s our first one and quite a learning adventure so far. Our 5 year old helped us out quite a bit with his requirements and asking us good questions like “why does it say click here when you are supposed to tap it?” Ah touch devices, something he is already more comfortable with then some of his old school parents.
Would love to hear your thoughts or feedback!
http://apps4ikids.com [import]uid: 39193 topic_id: 8207 reply_id: 308207[/import] ](http://apps4ikids.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/screen4-229x3001.png)