Hi all,
My first game originally went live back in Feb this year but I have to admit it really was awful.
Since then I have learnt a lot more about coding, and after a few updates, one of which involved a complete re-write of the code it is now at a stage where I am really happy with it.
I wanted a game that anyone could just pick up and play if they have a few minutes spare. I also wanted it to appeal to people who aren’t gamers. The biggest compliment is that my wife plays it - a lot - and she really does not play anything other than word games.
The premise is simple. You start the game with one million points which starts to count down - fast. You have to hit the orange dots to keep your score up. The faster the dot is moving the more points you get for it. If you hit a blue dot though, you lose the points. At no point during the game do you know what score you have.
There are two main stages to the game. When you start you have between 30 and 60 seconds before the StopIt! button appears. Once the button has appeared you then have between 30 and 60 seconds again to get as many points as you can before you must hit the button and end the game. However, you don’t know how long you have left to play so it’s a gamble between going for more points and risking running out of time, and pressing the button early and missing out on points. If you do run out of time, then the game ends and you get no points at all.
If you have an iPad then there is a two player mode where you compete against each other - hitting the wrong colour gives the points to your opponent.
There is also a Gamecenter leaderboard for the single player game, and you can post your scores to Facebook.
Here’s some promo codes for you to try out… Genuine comments and feedback are very welcome.
Codes and stuff…
ITunes Linky : https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/stopit!/id502839079?mt=8
Enjoy [import]uid: 7841 topic_id: 32597 reply_id: 332597[/import]