I’m not sure I understand this post. Are you saying:
You have an object that is spinning.
It falls from the top of the screen and ‘lands’ on something below over a period of ~7 seconds.
You want the object to stop spinning and come to rest as soon as it ‘lands’.
If that is the case, and assuming you’re using physics, the easiest way to do this is with a collision listener.
io.output():setvbuf("no") display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) -- ===================================================== -- ===================================================== -- == Uncomment following lines if you need physics local physics = require "physics" physics.start() physics.setGravity(0,10) --physics.setDrawMode("hybrid") -- local back = display.newImageRect( "protoBackX.png", 720, 1386 ) back.x = display.contentCenterX back.y = display.contentCenterY if( display.contentWidth \> display.contentHeight ) then back.rotation = 90 end -- ===================================================== -- ===================================================== local cx = display.contentCenterX local cy = display.contentCenterY local fullw = display.actualContentWidth local fullh = display.actualContentHeight local mRand = math.random -- local ground = display.newRect( cx, cy + 200, fullw, 40) physics.addBody( ground, "static" ) local function onCollision( self, event ) if( event.phase == "began" ) then timer.performWithDelay( 1, function() physics.removeBody( self ) end ) transition.to( self, { alpha = 0, delay = 500, time = 0, onComplete = display.remove } ) end return true end local function ballDrop() local ball = display.newImageRect( "ball.png", 50, 50 ) ball:setFillColor( mRand(50,100)/100, mRand(50,100)/100, mRand(50,100)/100 ) ball.x = cx + mRand( -fullw/2, fullw/2 ) ball.y = cy - fullh/2 + 40 physics.addBody( ball, { bounce = 0, radius = 23 } ) ball.angularVelocity = (mRand(1,2)==1) and -180 or 180 ball.linearDamping = 2 ball.collision = onCollision ball:addEventListener( "collision" ) end timer.performWithDelay( 1000, ballDrop, -1 ) -- ===================================================== -- =====================================================