I discovered an odd problem where there is a long delay between google play store saying “Purchase Successful” and the callback declared in store.init() being called.
It occurs on Version 2013.1260 (2013.11.13). I don’t know if it is fixed in later version.
It is possibly related to the fact that in my code, there is quite a lot of functionality within the storeTransaction code-block, but I suspect it is a bug.
The solution seems to be to put a small delay in the callback. After introducing the delay, the problem went away… phew!
hope this helps somebody!
function storeTransaction( event )
local function afterDelay()
– rest of code
timer.performWithDelay(100, afterDelay)
store.init( storeTransaction )
store.purchase( {“com.coronalabs.NewExampleInAppPurchase.NonConsumableTier1”} )