storyboard buttons do not work any more after using scroll widget! Help!

Dear Fellow Developers,
For unknown reasons, my storyboard buttons (next page button, previous page button) do not work any more after I use scroll widget. I have now attached my code below. I have spent days trying to find bugs, unfortunately, I haven’t got any luck. Please help. Thank you.


module (…, package.seeall)------------

local p1 = storyboard.newScene (“p1”)-----------

function p1:createScene( event )---------------
local localGroup = self.view
local scrollView = widget.newScrollView{
top = 0, left = 0,
width = display.contentWidth, height = display.contentHeight,
bgColor = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }, --Un-Comment this to set the background color of the scrollView.
–scrollBarColor = { 255, 0, 128 }, --Un-Comment this to set the scrollBar to a custom color.
–hideScrollBar = true, --Un-Comment this to hide the scrollBar
–listener = scrollListener

local lotsOfText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur imperdiet consectetur euismod. Phasellus non ipsum vel eros vestibulum consequat. Integer convallis quam id urna tristique eu viverra risus eleifend.\n\nAenean suscipit placerat venenatis. Pellentesque faucibus venenatis eleifend. Nam lorem felis, rhoncus vel rutrum quis, tincidunt in sapien. Proin eu elit tortor. Nam ut mauris pellentesque justo vulputate convallis eu vitae metus. Praesent mauris eros, hendrerit ac convallis vel, cursus quis sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque fermentum, dui in vehicula dapibus, lorem nisi placerat turpis, quis gravida elit lectus eget nibh. Mauris molestie auctor facilisis.\n\nCurabitur lorem mi, molestie eget tincidunt quis, blandit a libero. Cras a lorem sed purus gravida rhoncus. Cras vel risus dolor, at accumsan nisi. Morbi sit amet sem purus, ut tempor mauris.\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur imperdiet consectetur euismod. Phasellus non ipsum vel eros vestibulum consequat. Integer convallis quam id urna tristique eu viverra risus eleifend.\n\nAenean suscipit placerat venenatis. Pellentesque faucibus venenatis eleifend. Nam lorem felis, rhoncus vel rutrum quis, tincidunt in sapien. Proin eu elit tortor. Nam ut mauris pellentesque justo vulputate convallis eu vitae metus. Praesent mauris eros, hendrerit ac convallis vel, cursus quis sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque fermentum, dui in vehicula dapibus, lorem nisi placerat turpis, quis gravida elit lectus eget nibh. Mauris molestie auctor facilisis.\n\nCurabitur lorem mi, molestie eget tincidunt quis, blandit a libero. Cras a lorem sed purus gravida rhoncus. Cras vel risus dolor, at accumsan nisi. Morbi sit amet sem purus, ut tempor mauris. "

local lotsOfTextObject = display.newText(lotsOfText, 0, 0,display.contentWidth-100,0, “Helvetica”, 27, display.contentWidth*.05)
lotsOfTextObject:setTextColor( 0 )
lotsOfTextObject:setReferencePoint( display.TopCenterReferencePoint )
lotsOfTextObject.x = display.contentCenterX
lotsOfTextObject.y = 0

local background = display.newRect(localGroup,0, 0, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight)
background:setFillColor(255, 255, 255)

local backbutton = display.newImage (“Graphics/backbutton.png”)
backbutton.x = 390
backbutton.y = 1150

local function pressBack (event)
if event.phase == “ended” then
require (“toc”)
storyboard.gotoScene( “toc” )
storyboard.removeScene( “p1” )
if (scrollView) then
scrollView = nil

backbutton:addEventListener (“tap”, pressBack)

local narrator = display.newImage (“Graphics/audio.png”)
narrator.x = 620
narrator.y = 1000

–>This places the "narrator"button

local stop = display.newImage (“Graphics/stop.png”)
stop.x = 390
stop.y = 1000

–> This places the “stop” button

audio01 = audio.loadStream(“Audio/1.mp3”)
function narrator:tap(event)

function stop: tap(event)

narrator:addEventListener (“tap”, narrator)
stop: addEventListener (“tap”, stop)
backbutton:addEventListener (“tap”, stop)

local nextpagebutton = display.newImage (“Graphics/nextpage.png”)
nextpagebutton.x = 620
nextpagebutton.y = 1150
local function pressNextpagebutton (event)
if event.phase == “ended” then
require (“p2”)
storyboard.gotoScene (“p2”)
storyboard.removeScene( “p1” )
if (scrollView) then
scrollView = nil

nextpagebutton:addEventListener (“tap”, pressNextpagebutton)
nextpagebutton:addEventListener (“tap”, stop)

local previouspagebutton = display.newImage (“Graphics/previouspage.png”)
previouspagebutton.x = 170
previouspagebutton.y = 1150

local function pressPreviouspagebutton (event)
if event.phase == “ended” then
– director:changeScene (“p02”)
require (“toc”)
storyboard.gotoScene (“toc”)
storyboard.removeScene( “p1” )
if (scrollView) then
scrollView = nil

previouspagebutton:addEventListener (“tap”, pressPreviouspagebutton)
previouspagebutton:addEventListener (“tap”, stop)

local switchbutton = display.newImage (“Graphics/switch.png”)
switchbutton.x = 170
switchbutton.y = 1000

local function pressSwitchbutton (event)
if event.phase == “ended” then
require (“p1t”)
storyboard.gotoScene (“p1t”)
storyboard.removeScene( “p1” )
if (scrollView) then
scrollView = nil

switchbutton:addEventListener (“tap”, pressSwitchbutton)
switchbutton:addEventListener (“tap”, stop)


function p1:enterScene( event )
local group = self.view

– INSERT code here (e.g. start timers, load audio, start listeners, etc.)


– Called when scene is about to move offscreen:
function p1:exitScene( event )
local group = self.view

– INSERT code here (e.g. stop timers, remove listenets, unload sounds, etc.)


– If scene’s view is removed, scene:destroyScene() will be called just prior to:
function p1:destroyScene( event )
local group = self.view
print(“scene p1 destroyed”)
p1 = nil

display.remove( scrollView )
scrollView = nil

audio01 = nil



– “createScene” event is dispatched if scene’s view does not exist
p1:addEventListener( “createScene”, p1 )

– “enterScene” event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished
p1:addEventListener( “enterScene”, p1 )

– “exitScene” event is dispatched whenever before next scene’s transition begins
p1:addEventListener( “exitScene”, p1 )

– “destroyScene” event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be
– automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to
– storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().
p1:addEventListener( “destroyScene”, p1 )[code]

[import]uid: 150748 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 333289[/import]

Wow, that’s a lot of code. It’s probably good if you can enclose the code inside < code > and < /code > (without spaces) so that it’s easier to read.

Also, I don’t see the [text]return scene[/text].

And one more thing, you may really want to consider not using [text]module (…, package.seeall)[/text] as it is deprecated.


[import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132252[/import]

**Thank you so much for your advice, Naomi.
Are you telling me that my problem might be solved once I add return scene?
module(…, package.seeall) has been deprecated.
What should I use now? Could you kindly give me more information?
[import]uid: 150748 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132288[/import]**

I noticed that the following code doesn’t work once I add scroll widget in my lua file.

[code]local function pressBack (event)
if event.phase == “ended” then
require (“toc”)
storyboard.gotoScene( “toc” )
storyboard.removeScene( “p1” )
if (scrollView) then
scrollView = nil

Unless I remove
if event.phase
Very strange, isn’t it?
Henry Chen

[import]uid: 150748 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132290[/import]

Hi Dr.Henry.Chen, about adding [text]return scene[/text], I don’t know if it would solve your problem. It just jumped out at me (because I saw another forum thread where lacking it caused a real problem for another user.)

That said, if you use the template for Storyboard API that comes bundled with Corona SDK (CoronaSDK > SampleCode > Interface > Storyboard), you can definitely do not need to use [text] module(…, package.seeall)[/text] in each of your lua module. You may also want to google the following and read up on related forum threads: ‘package seeall, deprecated’

It will lead you to find threads like the following (and much more):

About scrollView widget, I am yet to use it in my project, so I have no experience with it to share. Let’s hope someone else who is familiar with the scrollView widget will jump in and help you out.

[import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132294[/import]

Wow, that’s a lot of code. It’s probably good if you can enclose the code inside < code > and < /code > (without spaces) so that it’s easier to read.

Also, I don’t see the [text]return scene[/text].

And one more thing, you may really want to consider not using [text]module (…, package.seeall)[/text] as it is deprecated.


[import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132252[/import]

**Thank you so much for your advice, Naomi.
Are you telling me that my problem might be solved once I add return scene?
module(…, package.seeall) has been deprecated.
What should I use now? Could you kindly give me more information?
[import]uid: 150748 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132288[/import]**

I noticed that the following code doesn’t work once I add scroll widget in my lua file.

[code]local function pressBack (event)
if event.phase == “ended” then
require (“toc”)
storyboard.gotoScene( “toc” )
storyboard.removeScene( “p1” )
if (scrollView) then
scrollView = nil

Unless I remove
if event.phase
Very strange, isn’t it?
Henry Chen

[import]uid: 150748 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132290[/import]

Hi Dr.Henry.Chen, about adding [text]return scene[/text], I don’t know if it would solve your problem. It just jumped out at me (because I saw another forum thread where lacking it caused a real problem for another user.)

That said, if you use the template for Storyboard API that comes bundled with Corona SDK (CoronaSDK > SampleCode > Interface > Storyboard), you can definitely do not need to use [text] module(…, package.seeall)[/text] in each of your lua module. You may also want to google the following and read up on related forum threads: ‘package seeall, deprecated’

It will lead you to find threads like the following (and much more):

About scrollView widget, I am yet to use it in my project, so I have no experience with it to share. Let’s hope someone else who is familiar with the scrollView widget will jump in and help you out.

[import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132294[/import]

I don’t see where you are putting your scrollView into your localGroup display group. Things that do not get put inside the scene’s view (in your case localGroup) are not managed by storyboard and sit above everything else. Since your scrollView covers the whole screen and it’s not part of a storyboard managed group, its going to block access to anything below it.

You do not need the module call at the top and you do need to return the scene variable at the end as Naomi pointed out. [import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132816[/import]

I don’t see where you are putting your scrollView into your localGroup display group. Things that do not get put inside the scene’s view (in your case localGroup) are not managed by storyboard and sit above everything else. Since your scrollView covers the whole screen and it’s not part of a storyboard managed group, its going to block access to anything below it.

You do not need the module call at the top and you do need to return the scene variable at the end as Naomi pointed out. [import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 132816[/import]

Dear Rob,
Thank you so much for your advice. Yes, I will remove the module call from my lua file.
I was wondering if you could kindly show me how (and where) to put my scrollView into my localGroup display group. (Sorry, I am very new to corona sdk.)
Warm regards,
Sydney Australia [import]uid: 150748 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 133034[/import]

Around line 163 add:


[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 133143[/import]

Dear Rob,
Thank you so much for your advice. Yes, I will remove the module call from my lua file.
I was wondering if you could kindly show me how (and where) to put my scrollView into my localGroup display group. (Sorry, I am very new to corona sdk.)
Warm regards,
Sydney Australia [import]uid: 150748 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 133034[/import]

Around line 163 add:


[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 33289 reply_id: 133143[/import]