Using PhysicsEditor 1.0.9 to get easly the shapes of object, i’m having trouble with storyboard API.
Where must be put the code to load the shape definitions ?
i build a profile file with phisyc editor for every level of the game i’m creating
and generated the profLVL01… profLVL02… etc etc files
then i put the “require” in the beginning of every scene level01.lua … level02.lua etc etc
trying to call the “shape definitions” inside the create scene “zone” with “command” physics.addBody() gives an error.
error ( see image attached )
– LVL01.lua
display.setStatusBar ( display.HiddenStatusBar )
local physics = require(“physics”)
physicsData = (require “profLVL01”).physicsData(1.0)
local storyboard = require (“storyboard”)
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
function scene:createScene(event)
local screenGroup = self.view
soccerball50 = display.newImage(“soccerball50.png”)
physics.addBody( soccerball50, “dynamic”, physicsData:get(“soccerball50”) )
Can someone help me with that ?