I have a simple question about storyboard.PurgeScene and avoiding memory leaks. I can arrive to Scene4 via several scenes (scene4zpanel, scene1, scene3). Is it better to list the purgeScenes this like this? Or set up a global variable and do if/then statement to test for previous scene (Only purging the previous). Or would purgall be more appropriate since I only have 1 out 3 scenes to really purge at any given time.
function scene:enterScene( event )
print( “1: enterScene event” )
– remove previous scene’s view
storyboard.purgeScene( “scene4zpanel” )
storyboard.purgeScene( “scene1” )
storyboard.purgeScene( “scene3” )
Thanks! [import]uid: 133581 topic_id: 32184 reply_id: 332184[/import]