Hi all, I’m building a ‘guess the sound’ type quiz at the moment.
I’m currently using
sound = audio.loadStream(“mysound.mp3”)
I’m also using interim scenes, to make sure the scenes are detroyed properly in order to avopid memory leak, however, when I test on a device (iOS 7 / iPhone 5). The sounds start underperforming, the longer my game goes on, crackling, poor buffering etc.
I can only assume that the sounds aren’t unloading properly… Those of you who have used storyboard will know that according to the ‘template’, there is a bit in the SceneMoveOff ‘part’ along the lines of; “INSERT code here (e.g. stop timers, remove listenets, unload sounds, etc.”
This filled me with hope, but I’ve never found a tutorial, bit of code, or resource, that shows me how to properly unload a sound in this part of the code. Can anyone help?