Stranger Things: iPhoneX portraitUpsideDown not working

It appears that portraitUpsideDown orientation is no longer supported on the iPhone X (both xcode simulator as well as hardware) .  It still works on all of my other Apple devices.

Attached is a sample project to see what I mean.  Everything is fine and redraws in each orientation until I get to portraitUpsideDown and then it seems to stay in whatever the last orientation was.

This appears to be a conscious decision by Apple according to this on the Apple developer forums:

I hadn’t seen anything about it in the Corona forums so I thought I’d mention it since it was a gotcha when I tried to update my existing Corona apps for iPhone X.

My guess is this is Apple realizing the notch + rotating the screen == total PITA for many use cases and developers.  

That said, some apps and users really benefit from it.  Yet another reason to dislike the notch. :confused:

PS - Great catch by the way.

It is laughable design for sure!

My guess is this is Apple realizing the notch + rotating the screen == total PITA for many use cases and developers.  

That said, some apps and users really benefit from it.  Yet another reason to dislike the notch. :confused:

PS - Great catch by the way.

It is laughable design for sure!