I am new and from Hungary.
My first question would be about the getting started tutorial, chapter 2.
There is part where we type the loaded image sheet parameters and i dont understand how the tutorial came up with those numbers on the Y axis and on width/width. How to even measure these things?
My second problem is that after finishing tutorial chapter 3, my game worked except the laser did not destroyed the asteroids. I tried to fix this by tweaking the collision function part of the code (209-228) without any succes.
Then i copy pasted the collision code part from the official tutorial code (downloaded from website) and the game now doesnt even work.
if someone could spot and tell my mistake i would be happy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- main.lua -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local physics = require ("physics") physics.start () physics.setGravity (0, 0) -- Seed the random number generator math.randomseed (os.time()) -- configure image sheet local sheetOptions = { frames = { { --1) asteroid 1 x = 0, y = 0, width = 102, height = 85 }, { --2) asteroid 2 x = 0, y = 85, width = 90, height = 83 }, { --3) asteroid 3 x = 0, y = 168, width = 100, height = 97 }, { --4) ship x = 0, y = 265, width = 98, height = 79 }, { --5) laser x = 98, y = 265, width = 14, height = 40 }, }, } local objectSheet = graphics.newImageSheet ("gameObjects.png", sheetOptions) -- Initialize variables local lives = 3 local score = 0 local died = false local asteroidsTable = {} local ship local gameLoopTimer local livesText local scoreText -- set up display groups local backGroup = display.newGroup () -- display group for the background image local mainGroup = display.newGroup () -- display group for the ship, asteroids, lasers, etc. local uiGroup = display.newGroup () -- display group for UI objects like the store -- load the background local background = display.newImageRect (backGroup, "background.png", 800, 1400) background.x = display.contentCenterX background.y = display.contentCenterY ship = display.newImageRect (mainGroup, objectSheet, 4, 98, 79) ship.x = display.contentCenterX ship.y = display.contentHeight -100 physics.addBody (ship, {radius = 30, isSensor = true}) ship.myName = "ship" -- display lives and score livesText = display.newText (uiGroup, "lives: "..lives, 200, 80, native.systemFont, 36) scoreText = display.newText (uiGroup, "score: "..score, 400, 80, native.systemFont, 36) -- hide the status bar display.setStatusBar (display.HiddenStatusBar) local function updateText () livesText.text = "lives: ".. lives scoreText.text = "score: ".. score end local function createAsteroid () local newAsteroid = display.newImageRect (mainGroup, objectSheet, 1, 102, 85) table.insert (asteroidsTable, newAsteroid) physics.addBody (newAsteroid, "dynamic", {radius = 40, bounce = 0.8}) newAsteroid.myName = "asteroid" local whereFrom = math.random (3) if (whereFrom == 1) then --from the left newAsteroid.x = -60 newAsteroid.y = math.random (500) newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity (math.random (40, 120), math.random (20, 60)) elseif (whereFrom == 2) then --from the top newAsteroid.x = math.random (display.contentWidth) newAsteroid.y = -60 newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity (math.random (-40, 40), math.random (40, 120)) elseif (whereFrom == 3) then --from the right newAsteroid.x = display.contentWidth + 60 newAsteroid.y = math.random( 500 ) newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity (math.random (-120, -40), math.random ( 20, 60)) end newAsteroid:applyTorque (math.random (-6, 6)) end local function fireLaser () local newLaser = display.newImageRect (mainGroup, objectSheet, 5, 14, 40) physics.addBody (newLaser, "dynamic", {isSensor = true}) newLaser.isBullet = true newLaser.myName = "laser" newLaser.x = ship.x newLaser.y = ship.y newLaser:toBack () transition.to (newLaser, {y = -40, time = 500, onComplete = function () display.remove (newLaser) end }) end ship:addEventListener ("tap", fireLaser) local function dragShip (event) local ship = event.target local phase = event.phase if ("began" == phase) then --set touch on the ship display.currentStage:setFocus (ship) --store initial offset position ship.touchOffsetX = event.x - ship.x elseif ("moved" == phase) then --move the ship to the new touch position ship.x = event.x - ship.touchOffsetX elseif ("ended" == phase or "cancelled" == phase) then --release touch focus on the ship display.currentStage:setFocus (nil) end return true --prevents touch propagation to underlying objects end ship:addEventListener ("touch", dragShip) local function gameLoop () --create new asteroid createAsteroid () --remove asteroids which have drifted off screen for i = #asteroidsTable, 1, -1 do local thisAsteroid = asteroidsTable [i] if (thisAsteroid.x \< -100 or thisAsteroid.x \> display.contentWidth +100 or thisAsteroid.y \< -100 or thisAsteroid.y \> display.contentHeight +100) then display.remove (thisAsteroid) table.remove (asteroidsTable, i) end end end gameLoopTimer = timer.performWithDelay (500, gameLoop, 0) local function restoreShip () ship.isBodyactive = false ship.x = display.contentCenterX ship.y = display.contentHeight - 100 --fade in the ship (-1hp) transition.to (ship, {alpha = 1, time = 4000, onComplete = function () ship.isBodyactive = true died = false end }) end local function onCollision( event ) if ( event.phase == "began" ) then local obj1 = event.object1 local obj2 = event.object2 if ( ( obj1.myName == "laser" and obj2.myName == "asteroid" ) or ( obj1.myName == "asteroid" and obj2.myName == "laser" ) ) then -- Remove both the laser and asteroid display.remove( obj1 ) display.remove( obj2 ) for i = #asteroidsTable, 1, -1 do if ( asteroidsTable [i] == obj1 or asteroidsTable [i] == obj2 ) then table.remove( asteroidsTable, i ) break end end --increase score score = score +100 scoreText.text = "score: "..score elseif ((obj1.myName == "ship" and obj2.myName == "asteroid") or (obj1.myName == "asteroid" and obj2.myName == "ship")) then if (died == false) then died = true --update lives lives = lives -1 livesText.text = "lives: "..lives if (lives == 0) then display.remove (ship) else ship.alpha = 0 timer.performWithDelay (1000, restoreShip) end end end end end Runtime:addEventListener ("collision", onCollison)