Student Developers - Facebook Group

Hello everyone, 

In the past few days, I joined a Corona SDK group on Facebook. It quite disappointed me as it was full of ads, plus the community wasn’t really active.

That’s why I decided to create a group for Student Developers, open to any student learning drawing, code, music, or any kind of art concerning the video gaming industry. My goal is to create a community of mutual help, gathering indie developers from all around the world.

This is a private group. Ask for an invite !  :slight_smile:

Which Facebook group are you talking about that disappointed you?

Well, since I don’t want to make negative feedback of this group, I’ll just say it’s surely not the official one. It’s called “Corona SDK Student Developers”.

I’m not telling you this group is really bad, and that nobody should go there; It is not my goal. But this group is just filled with ads and non-active members.

Which Facebook group are you talking about that disappointed you?

Well, since I don’t want to make negative feedback of this group, I’ll just say it’s surely not the official one. It’s called “Corona SDK Student Developers”.

I’m not telling you this group is really bad, and that nobody should go there; It is not my goal. But this group is just filled with ads and non-active members.