Hey everyone, i am trying to pull a csv excel sheet from my site using a .lua script. The file is at
and I replaced the http:load in my script below… and i cant see anything else this would need… heres the script…
function Init() indicator:name("1L"); indicator:description("1L"); indicator:requiredSource(core.Bar); indicator:type(core.View); indicator.parameters:addString("IDX", "1L", "", "1L"); indicator.parameters:addString("TF", "Time frame", "", "d"); indicator.parameters:addStringAlternative("TF", "Day", "", "d"); indicator.parameters:addStringAlternative("TF", "Week", "", "w"); indicator.parameters:addStringAlternative("TF", "Month", "", "m"); indicator.parameters:addDate("FROM", "Date from", "", -1000); indicator.parameters:addDate("TO", "Date to", "", 0); indicator.parameters:setFlag("TO", core.FLAG\_DATE); end local O, H, L, C, V -- initializes the instance of the indicator function Prepare(onlyName) local IDX = instance.parameters.IDX; assert(IDX ~= "", "1L"); local TF = instance.parameters.TF; local name = profile:id() .. "(" .. IDX .. "@1L, " .. TF .. ")"; instance:name(name); if onlyname then return ; end instance:initView(IDX, 2, 0.01, true, false); O = instance:addStream("O", core.Line, name .. ".O", "O", core.rgb(255, 0, 0), 0); H = instance:addStream("H", core.Line, name .. ".H", "H", core.rgb(255, 0, 0), 0); L = instance:addStream("L", core.Line, name .. ".L", "L", core.rgb(255, 0, 0), 0); C = instance:addStream("C", core.Line, name .. ".C", "C", core.rgb(255, 0, 0), 0); V = instance:addStream("V", core.Line, name .. ".V", "V", core.rgb(255, 0, 0), 0); instance:createCandleGroup(IDX, IDX, O, H, L, C, V, TF); core.host:execute("setTimer", 1, 1); StartLoading(IDX, TF, instance.parameters.FROM, instance.parameters.TO); end function Update(period) end local http, loading, loadError; function StartLoading(index, timeframe, \_from, \_to) local from = core.dateToTable(\_from); local to = core.dateToTable(\_to); local url; url = "/table.csv?s=" .. index .. "&a=" .. string.format("%02i", from.month - 1) .. "&b=" .. (from.day) .. "&c=" .. (from.year) .. "&d=" .. string.format("%02i", to.month - 1) .. "&e=" .. (to.day) .. "&f=" .. (to.year) .. "&g=" .. timeframe .. "&ignore=.csv"; if http == nil then http = core.makeHttpLoader(); end http:load("johnnymedal.com", 80, url, true); loading = true; loadError = false; core.host:execute("setStatus", "loading..."); end local pattern\_line = "([^,]\*),([^,]\*),([^,]\*),([^,]\*),([^,]\*),([^,]\*),[^,]\*%c+()"; local pattern\_date = "(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)"; function AsyncOperationFinished(cookie, success, message) if cookie == 1 then if loading then if not(http:loading()) then loading = false; if http:successful() then local body = http:response(); local pos; local date, open, high, low, close, volume, t, period; local year, month, day; local periods = {}; local count = 0; while true do date, open, high, low, close, volume, pos = string.match(body, pattern\_line, pos); if date == nil then break; end year, month, day = string.match(date, pattern\_date); if year ~= nil then t = {}; t.month = tonumber(month); t.day = tonumber(day); t.year = tonumber(year); t.hour = 0; t.min = 0; t.sec = 0; period = {}; period.date = core.tableToDate(t); period.open = tonumber(open); period.high = tonumber(high); period.low = tonumber(low); period.close = tonumber(close); period.volume = tonumber(volume); count = count + 1; periods[count] = period; end end local lastdate = nil, date, s; for i = count, 1, -1 do date = periods[i].date; if lastdate == nil or lastdate \< date then instance:addViewBar(date); s = O:size() - 1; O[s] = periods[i].open; H[s] = periods[i].high; L[s] = periods[i].low; C[s] = periods[i].close; V[s] = periods[i].volume; lastdate = date; else core.host:trace(string.format("%i %s %s", i, core.formatDate(lastdate), core.formatDate(date))); end end errorLoad = false; core.host:execute("setStatus", ""); return core.ASYNC\_REDRAW; else errorLoad = true; core.host:execute("setStatus", "load failed"); end end end end return 0; end function ReleaseInstance() if loading then while (http:loading()) do end end core.host:execute("killTimer", 1); end