> If I run ZeroBrane in Scratchpad mode, Corona Simulator updates as I change the code. I believe it’s restarting the application every time, though the balloon game is pretty limited in testing this.
This shouldn’t be happening. The Corona interpreter in the IDE should only reload the content of the file you are modifying (without aborting the application). You may try on a simple example first just to see how it works (http://notebook.kulchenko.com/zerobrane/debugging-and-live-coding-with-corona-sdk-applications-and-zerobrane-studio; see the last section on Live Coding); I remember there was some logic in the Simulator that was restarting the application after a small delay caused by the scratchpad (as it probably detected it as the application hanging), so I added some logic to avoid this in that example above, so you may do the same thing in your code.
> Regardless, I think for now I will just stick with Zerobrane since that seems to be working.
Sounds good; let me know if you run into any other issues.