Ok, I have a strange situation here, and as a newbie to both Sublime, Corona, and debugging this in general, it’s very frustrating for me to find answers. Maybe someone here will know what is wrong or at least what I can do to fix this.
I am on windows 10, and have installed Corona and Sublime to the D drive due to not owning the computer I am working on. (The owner insists I install everything to this drive instead of C to avoid clashing with them.)
I have installed Sublime 3.0, the Corona plugin for it, and the Corona stable download. This has resulted in two states for using “Corona”.
State 1:
If I run just Corona Simulator directly, as explained in the balloon tutorial, I can then use Explorer > Sublime to edit files, and view the live update in the simulator. The problem is that I CANNOT use breakpoints, or Inspect Variable, or basically anything in Sublime that the Corona plugin was supposed to enable.
In this state, the corona editor itself has a console, but I can’t find any good documentation how I would use that console to do any live debugging.
So in this state I can code and see visual changes but if some bug comes up that isn’t visual or some code isn’t working like I think it is, I have no way to debug it.
State 2:
If I try to run Sublime first, without the Corona simulator running, I can try using the Corona Editor > Corona Debugger > Run option. I have already edited the config in the Preferences > Sublime settings user file to have the following change:
“corona_sdk_simulator_path”: “D:\Program Files (x86)\Corona Labs\Corona\Corona Simulator.exe”
That fixes the “cannot find simulator” problem I was getting the first time I tried this method. But now I get the following behaviors:
The first time I hit Run, the simulator does NOT OPEN. But the code starts stepping through and stops at breakpoints that have been setup. I can use Sublime Debugging such as Inspect Variable in this state. But without the simulator window I have no visual on what is happening in the app nor a way to interact with it.
The second time I hit Run, the simulator window will open but will run the ENTIRE code, ignoring any breakpoints and not letting me do anything with sublime’s debugging options such as Inspect Variable. It seems to be running as if in State 1, except that the console is missing, and if I attempt to open the console in the simulator window the entire simulator will crash terribly. Sublime itself seems to not detect the simulator running in this state at all, not even marking where in the code the simulator is running.
Running the Run feature a third time will refuse to update the “simulator window”, leaving it running the old version. But Sublime will respect break points again and let me debug Variables using the Inspect Variable tools again.
I have not used a working version of all the features, but I’m guessing neither of these states is what is expected behavior for the SDK.
The manual for Corona just vaguely states that all these debugging commands are supposed to be working out of the box, with nothing about troubleshooting them.
How can I “fix” this, so that I can use Sublime text and the debugging commands such as Inspect Variable and breakpoints, but still have the visual feedback of the simulator? In other words, how can I get both State 1’s visual feedback and State 2’s working debugging breakpoints/variable inspection features?
I don’t know how these tools are supposed to function “normally”, so I don’t know what could be causing this or how to go about fixing the situation. I need the debugging to be working so I can get work done. I really don’t want to go into using Corona without a working debugging method for viewing what’s happening in memory during the game.
Where do I begin to unravel this mess?