Success stories

Dear All,

I’ve been built app with my Brother since last summer and we have launched so far 7 Apps using Corona.
As we are not very rich, we did Marketing ourself (web, Facebook and a Blog). Btw, we promoted some of these apps (price became free) via a channel that sends sms/push/newletters for promoting apps.

We put a lot effort and passion to build nice, functional and original apps … But,
from a money point of view, we are far to earn our life with our apps and thus climbing a next step.

Anyway we continue, but let’s admit that this very hard to find a good place in Appstore.
So I was wondering if there are some success stories among the community for very small development studios. Do we have any figures ?

Many thanks for sharing answers, comments, questions.


[import]uid: 96703 topic_id: 26284 reply_id: 326284[/import]

I think the best success story is from Fire Maple Games, and it’s The Lost City title. You can read the related guest post on the blog. Basically it boils down to putting a really lot of very hard work for a long time to make a high quality product that fills a big gaping hole in the genre (lack of quality adventures on iOS), and then using previously popular product ( The Secret of Grizly Manor game) as a free advertising vehicle.
Please note that I think all 3 elements are crucial for success: a) great quality product, b) lack of competition in category, c) way to mass-market it.

I myself didn’t find any financial success, although last game I published (SpinUp) has received a lot of media attention, fantastic reviews and was featured by Apple. If you want honest figures, the game gained about $3000, almost all of it in the week it was at iTunes front page. Once the game got off the front page, sales virtually stopped.
The only real push to sales was featuring on iTunes. Great reviews on popular websites such as Kotaku and SlideToPlay didn’t reflect on sales at all.

There are a lot of possible ways to go about making living on AppStore, but I think the only thing one can really plan for is to build a catalog of many apps and live off their long trail.
It helps if apps are designed for mainstream audience (family-friendly), and even more if they fill a particular niche. Looks like children apps are currently doing better than generic games, meaning you can charge more money and expect to have steadier sales. Not to say that usually these apps require WAAAAY less production time than a mainstream game. If that’s your cup of tea ( it’s not mine though), I would say this is the best way to make some steady income.
If you make products for more specialized markets (ie. professional tools) you can expect even more stable market.

My $0.02 :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 80100 topic_id: 26284 reply_id: 106497[/import]

ps. If you want a TON of statistics and real-life success (and failure) stories, check out the article I posted on this form a month ago:

[import]uid: 80100 topic_id: 26284 reply_id: 106498[/import]

Dear Nenad,

thank you for your contribution and your honesty.

We keep going:)


[import]uid: 96703 topic_id: 26284 reply_id: 106530[/import]