First of all, great start! I was using Lua Development Tools for a debugging solution and I’m very happy to be able to move back to my favorite editor, Sublime Text.
I’ve noticed a few issues that I think if they were taken care of, would make Corona Editor much much better.
First issue is that when I am in the debugger and breakpoint is hit, I’m not taken to the file/line of where the breakpoint is at. Instead, a blank file is opened (with the filename of where the breakpoint was set is in the tab). This means I can’t have more than a couple breakpoints at a time without getting confused as to which one was hit.
The next debugger issue is that the list of locals is only useful for anything BUT tables. Tables just show the internal identifier (e.g. 0x7ff930761780) rather than the contents of the table. It would be so much more useful if the table entries could be expanded and show the child keys and so on and so forth.
I think users would much prefer to set a breakpoint in one of two ways:
Double click on the gutter of the line you want the breakpoint set, or…
Assign an easy hot-key to the ‘Toggle Breakpoint’ by default (I think this can be done manually by the user now, but I’m not sure)
Currently the user has to have the cursor on the line, right click, and then click ‘Toggle Breakpoint’ which is embedded in the middle of a bunch of other context menu items.
And surprisingly, that’s it! Everything else is awesome. I absolutely LOVE the Lua Stack in the debugger. Before, I’d have to actually follow my own code and insert print statements and see what order they came in to know exactly what path my code took. This is so much better.
And a tip for other users: install lua on your system and then get the sublimelint plugin from package control (it will “lint” your files as you edit them and catch stupid syntax errors).