Synchronization of audio and graphic

Tell me please, how is it possible to synchronize the audio and graphics when loading the scene? My scene is made as a presentation of MS Power Point. There is a voice of the announcer and the changing pictures on the screen. The problem is in the delay of the audio for the graphics. Graphics already starts to move, when the audio (voice of the announcer in the background) is still not loaded. I used both operator: audio.loadSound \ audio.loadStream, but in both cases I have audio delay.
While I testing on simulator - there is no problem. But on a device I have audio delay…
Thanks! [import]uid: 135802 topic_id: 37371 reply_id: 67371[/import]

Are you building for Android or iOS?

If Android what device are you testing on? (OS version?)

Does your audio clip have any dead space at the beginning that can be trimmed?

audio.loadSound() will load the sound completely and decode it before it starts playing. audio.loadStream() will load some of the sound and start decoding and playing while it finishes loading. There are many variables including the codec performance that can impact it. You’re best bet is to pre-load the sound before you need it to eliminate any system/os overhead. [import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 37371 reply_id: 145597[/import]

Are you building for Android or iOS?

If Android what device are you testing on? (OS version?)

Does your audio clip have any dead space at the beginning that can be trimmed?

audio.loadSound() will load the sound completely and decode it before it starts playing. audio.loadStream() will load some of the sound and start decoding and playing while it finishes loading. There are many variables including the codec performance that can impact it. You’re best bet is to pre-load the sound before you need it to eliminate any system/os overhead. [import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 37371 reply_id: 145597[/import]