syntax error

hello guys i have just downloaded and installed corona simulator 

i just checked first thing to see the output in 1 line of code it gives me syntax error

this code 

local background = display.newImage(“lol.jpg”)

gives this error

Unexpected symbol near ‘‚’

File: main.lua

Line: 1

its only 1 line help please

What are you using as an editor?

normal text editor

Hi @dlord437,

Your text editor may be using “fancy quotes” instead of normal quotes, and that will trigger an error. Check the settings for the text editor and make sure it’s not substituting fancy quotes, sometimes referred to as “smart quotes”.

Take care,


I don’t know of an editor called “normal text editor”. All of them have names. You very well could be using Microsoft Word and could call it the normal text edtior. If you’re on a Mac, textEdit also saves rich text instead of plain text. That’s why I’m asking which editor you’re using.

But Brent hit the key point, some editor do fancy quotes instead of the ASCII " and '. Worse yet, it could be saving it out in some form of rich text, XML or HTML that you don’t see in your editor because it’s converting it and there could be code in the text file that you don’t see causing this.


textEdit is what iam using 

Make sure you’re saving plain text and not rich text

What are you using as an editor?

normal text editor

Hi @dlord437,

Your text editor may be using “fancy quotes” instead of normal quotes, and that will trigger an error. Check the settings for the text editor and make sure it’s not substituting fancy quotes, sometimes referred to as “smart quotes”.

Take care,


I don’t know of an editor called “normal text editor”. All of them have names. You very well could be using Microsoft Word and could call it the normal text edtior. If you’re on a Mac, textEdit also saves rich text instead of plain text. That’s why I’m asking which editor you’re using.

But Brent hit the key point, some editor do fancy quotes instead of the ASCII " and '. Worse yet, it could be saving it out in some form of rich text, XML or HTML that you don’t see in your editor because it’s converting it and there could be code in the text file that you don’t see causing this.


textEdit is what iam using 

Make sure you’re saving plain text and not rich text