System Suspend Events when get new email or sms

 Hi everybody. 

I have a problem when using the system event. I create a mini game, and when the app suspend, i need to pause the game. The problem is when I get a new email or sms, my app don’t realy suspend ( don’t like when someone call me ), but I still got the event “system suspend”. 

 How can i discriminate between suspend when getting new sms or email and the suspend when someone call me or user press home button? When I get a new email or sms, my app is still responsible and don’t need to pause.

Are you sure you’re not also getting a resume event?

Also what version of Corona are you using and what devices and operating system versions are you running on?

 Sorry for my late response.

I using Galaxy S4 with Android 4.4 and the Corona version is 2013.2100. I got the system suspend event but i’m still in my app. And the problem is on my device, not in my simulator.

The engineers would like to see your code where you are setting up your system event handler and what’s going on.  Probably the best thing to do is file a bug report, submitting a sample project that show the problem, including your build.settings and config.lua files, so they can see what’s going on.



Thanks Rob.
I will take a look again my code and see what i can do :slight_smile:

Are you sure you’re not also getting a resume event?

Also what version of Corona are you using and what devices and operating system versions are you running on?

 Sorry for my late response.

I using Galaxy S4 with Android 4.4 and the Corona version is 2013.2100. I got the system suspend event but i’m still in my app. And the problem is on my device, not in my simulator.

The engineers would like to see your code where you are setting up your system event handler and what’s going on.  Probably the best thing to do is file a bug report, submitting a sample project that show the problem, including your build.settings and config.lua files, so they can see what’s going on.



Thanks Rob.
I will take a look again my code and see what i can do :slight_smile: