Tab bar can't be wider than 316 out of 320 ?

So my project has 320 width in the config

so i went to put in a tab bar for the first time, and after all kinds of errors, I find that the only way it will compile and run correctly is if all the images together add up to no more than 316…what’s the deal? Latest daily build…

edit: I made a new project 640 wide, and sure enough, once the buttons in the tab bar get past 636 total width, it won’t show the widget. So it always has to be 4 pixels from the total width of the screen???

So you can see I have all the button widths at 63, but what I need is for them to be 64 !!! lol I need the space out from between them! there is a black line between them all

local tabButtons = { { width = 63, height = 50, defaultFile = "w.png", overFile = "w\_act.png", label = "", onPress = wButtontouch, --selected = false }, { width = 63, height = 50, defaultFile = "a\_2.png", overFile = "a\_act\_2.png", label = "", onPress = aButtontouch, --selected = false }, { width = 63, height = 50, defaultFile = "n.png", overFile = "n\_act.png", label = "", onPress = nButtontouch, --selected = false }, { width = 63, height = 50, defaultFile = "t\_2.png", overFile = "t\_act\_2.png", label = "", onPress = tButtontouch, --selected = false }, { width = 63, height = 50, defaultFile = "s.png", overFile = "s\_act.png", label = "", onPress = sButtontouch, --selected = false }, } -- Create a tab-bar and place it at the bottom of the screen local tabBar = widget.newTabBar { left=0, top = display.viewableContentHeight - 50, width = 320, buttons = tabButtons }