I am seeing a highlight artifact when using the new Tab Bar.
I attached a screenshot … it is like the highlight effect in the TabBar assumes a height of 60 where in my case the height is only 30. (see attached image)
self.tabBar = widget.newTabBar{ top = yInsert, left= minVisibleX, buttons = tabButtons, height = 30, width = screenWidth, }
i am using images for my tabs
local tabButtons = { { id = "sightingTab", defaultFile="tabs/sighting.png", overFile="tabs/sightingSelected.png", label = "", -- For some reason this has to be non nil ... bad widget 2.0 code width=90, height=30, onPress=onBtnPress, selected=true }, { id = "otherTab", defaultFile="tabs/other.png", overFile="tabs/otherSelected.png", label = "", -- For some reason this has to be non nil ... bad widget 2.0 code width=90, height=30, onPress=onBtnPress },}
You will also note that if you are not using Labels then you have to put an empty string in else the Widget Vomits on you. Probably should allow label = nil