According to the documentation:, there isn’t a method for doing this.
However, if you read the source,, you can find out how the tab bar is made and how you can manually change the texts.
The code is copied from the documentation sample. I only added the last line.
local widget = require( "widget" ) -- Function to handle button events local function handleTabBarEvent( event ) print( ) -- Reference to button's 'id' parameter end -- Configure the tab buttons to appear within the bar local tabButtons = { { label = "Tab1", id = "tab1", selected = true, onPress = handleTabBarEvent }, { label = "Tab2", id = "tab2", onPress = handleTabBarEvent }, { label = "Tab3", id = "tab3", onPress = handleTabBarEvent } } -- Create the widget local tabBar = widget.newTabBar( { top = display.contentHeight-120, width = display.contentWidth, buttons = tabButtons } ) tabBar.\_viewButtons[1].label.text = "I've been changed"