Table Unique Values DIssapearing

I have an issue where I want to have a table full of objects each containing a unique sprite from a sprite sheet I have made. But every time a new item is entered into the table, all items before it become the same as the last.

Here is the function that does the table insertion: 

local IngredientTemplate = require("ingredient") local allIngredients = { } function spriteSheetLoader() -- Load in 'all ingredients' list. local ingredients = loadIngredientList() -- Each sprite is 32 x 32 with all icons in a single, long column. local sheetData = { width = 32, height = 32, numFrames = #ingredients, sheetContentWidth = 32, sheetContentHeight = 32 \* #ingredients } spriteSheet = graphics.newImageSheet("food.png", sheetData) -- Iterate all ingredients in list retrieved from database. for i = 1, #ingredients do --New sprite from sheet. local sprite = display.newImage(spriteSheet, i) --New ingredient object. local newIngredient = Ingredient:new(nil, sprite, ingredients[i]) -- Insert a new Ingredient into the table for use. table.insert(allIngredients, newIngredient) --Test what has been inserted so far. for i = 1, #allIngredients do print(allIngredients[i]:getName()) end print("\n") end end

Here is the constructor for the Ingredient object: 

Ingredient = { sprite, name } local FoodLoader = require("foodLoader") function Ingredient:new(o, sprite, name) o = o or { } setmetatable(o, self) self.\_\_index = self self.sprite = sprite = name return o end

I have also attached an image of what the function prints out during creating the table.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

I was scouting out posts with 0 replies and came across this one. I know its 7 months late and I hope this isn’t frowned upon. 

Hopefully you found your answer but here is a version of your code that works the way you want it.  

I changed a number of things around, but I don’t know which one fixed it. It seemed to just suddenly start working.  

I don’t want to backtrack and see what fixed it, but maybe this code will help the next guy. 

Note that most of the changes (and probably the one that fixed it) are in the class. 

--main.lua local IngredientTemplate = require("ingredient") local allIngredients = { } function loadIngredientList() return {"butter", "eggs", "salt", "flour"} end function spriteSheetLoader() -- Load in 'all ingredients' list. local ingredients = loadIngredientList() -- Each sprite is 32 x 32 with all icons in a single, long column. local sheetData = { width = 32, height = 32, numFrames = #ingredients, sheetContentWidth = 32, sheetContentHeight = 32 \* #ingredients } spriteSheet = graphics.newImageSheet("food.png", sheetData) -- Iterate all ingredients in list retrieved from database. for i = 1, #ingredients do --New sprite from sheet. --local sprite = display.newImage(spriteSheet, i) local sprite = nil --New ingredient object. local newIngredient = Ingredient:new(sprite, ingredients[i]) -- Insert a new Ingredient into the table for use. table.insert(allIngredients, newIngredient) --Test what has been inserted so far. print(#allIngredients) for i = 1, #allIngredients do print(allIngredients[i]:getName()) end end end spriteSheetLoader()  

--ingredients.lua Ingredient = {} Ingredient.\_\_index = Ingredient function Ingredient:getName() return end function Ingredient:new(sprite, name) return setmetatable({sprite=sprite, name=name}, Ingredient) end 

01:01:11.850 1 01:01:11.850 butter 01:01:11.850 2 01:01:11.850 butter 01:01:11.850 eggs 01:01:11.850 3 01:01:11.850 butter 01:01:11.850 eggs 01:01:11.850 salt 01:01:11.850 4 01:01:11.850 butter 01:01:11.850 eggs 01:01:11.850 salt 01:01:11.850 flour

I was scouting out posts with 0 replies and came across this one. I know its 7 months late and I hope this isn’t frowned upon. 

Hopefully you found your answer but here is a version of your code that works the way you want it.  

I changed a number of things around, but I don’t know which one fixed it. It seemed to just suddenly start working.  

I don’t want to backtrack and see what fixed it, but maybe this code will help the next guy. 

Note that most of the changes (and probably the one that fixed it) are in the class. 

--main.lua local IngredientTemplate = require("ingredient") local allIngredients = { } function loadIngredientList() return {"butter", "eggs", "salt", "flour"} end function spriteSheetLoader() -- Load in 'all ingredients' list. local ingredients = loadIngredientList() -- Each sprite is 32 x 32 with all icons in a single, long column. local sheetData = { width = 32, height = 32, numFrames = #ingredients, sheetContentWidth = 32, sheetContentHeight = 32 \* #ingredients } spriteSheet = graphics.newImageSheet("food.png", sheetData) -- Iterate all ingredients in list retrieved from database. for i = 1, #ingredients do --New sprite from sheet. --local sprite = display.newImage(spriteSheet, i) local sprite = nil --New ingredient object. local newIngredient = Ingredient:new(sprite, ingredients[i]) -- Insert a new Ingredient into the table for use. table.insert(allIngredients, newIngredient) --Test what has been inserted so far. print(#allIngredients) for i = 1, #allIngredients do print(allIngredients[i]:getName()) end end end spriteSheetLoader()  

--ingredients.lua Ingredient = {} Ingredient.\_\_index = Ingredient function Ingredient:getName() return end function Ingredient:new(sprite, name) return setmetatable({sprite=sprite, name=name}, Ingredient) end 

01:01:11.850 1 01:01:11.850 butter 01:01:11.850 2 01:01:11.850 butter 01:01:11.850 eggs 01:01:11.850 3 01:01:11.850 butter 01:01:11.850 eggs 01:01:11.850 salt 01:01:11.850 4 01:01:11.850 butter 01:01:11.850 eggs 01:01:11.850 salt 01:01:11.850 flour